Maggie Craig
"Bare Arsed Banditti"
Thursday 26 November
Tower Building, University of Dundee
"Bare Arsed Banditti"
Thursday 26 November
Tower Building, University of Dundee
Acclaimed Historian and novelist, Maggie Craig will be talking about her latest book on the men of the '45, Barse-Arsed Banditti. She is also the author of the recently released love story, One Sweet Moment, and has recieved praise for both her fiction and non fiction work. Don't miss this chance to hear an author whose event at the Edinburgh Festival was in huge demmand!
Tickets £4, available from Waterstones, 25 Commercial Street, Dundee.
Tel 01382 200322
We regret the recent increase in ticket prices. This is the first time we have had to increase prices since in 5 years. All tickets include refreshment savailable after the main event.
Tel 01382 200322
We regret the recent increase in ticket prices. This is the first time we have had to increase prices since in 5 years. All tickets include refreshment savailable after the main event.